Teenage Mission Trips & the Cost of Evangelism
This week, Jill and guest co-host Andrew discuss the experience of mission trips, toxic charity and the cost of evangelism, specifically related to teenage mission trips. While Paula is working hard to close out her semester, Andrew and Jill share their own experience of mission work as teenagers, the theology behind various mission experiences and offer some hopeful u-turns for those who feel called to respond to Jesus' great commission to "make disciples of all people."
This is another perspective from someone who worked with Teen Mania Ministries, the organization Andrew discusses the episode.
More background on The Word of Faith movement
Books mentioned in this episode:
Through the Gates of Splendor an account of the mission work of Jim and Elisabeth Elliot
Toxic Charity: How Churches and Charities Hurt Those They Help (and How to Reverse It)
as well as an interesting interview with the author, Robert Lupton