Welcome to Sacred Intersections

A licensed counselor/counselor professor and an ordained pastor walk into a bar…

Nope, it’s not the beginning of an unfortunate joke. It’s the beginning of the realization of a dream: thoughtful discussion around recognizing harmful theology and religious abuse and the ways that religious communities can help reframe theology that promotes God’s abundant love and radical hospitality while also valuing good mental health practices.

Licensed counselor and counseling professor Paula and ordained Presbyterian Church(USA) pastor Jill, part of the same church family and good friends are your conversation partners through this journey of sacred intersections.

Before you embark on this journey with us, we thought you might like to know a little bit about your co-hosts, conversation partners, drivers, navigators and soon-to-be buddies. We’re so glad you found us and we can’t wait to interact with you. Hey, we really like you!


Religious Abuse & Harmful Theology


Mental Health & The Church