Are we allowed to say “no” to God?
Are we allowed to say “no” to God? To the Church? To one another? Why is it so hard for some people to set boundaries? Is "no" a complete sentence? Is it selfish to love yourself as you love your neighbor? (spoiler: nooooooo...not selfish!) Jill and Paula tackle all of these questions plus some discussion on how the sacred can be manipulated to push boundaries. Extra special segment this week in which Paula's dogs push the podcast boundaries!
Some of the Billboards mentioned in this episode:
The Boundaries books by Henry Cloud and John Townsend
Myers Briggs Definitions of Hell
We are grateful for our roadie listeners and the opportunity to be on this journey together! We would love to hear from you: your hopes and dreams for future episode topics, questions, Sacred Intersections in your life and anything else you'd like to share with us!